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Trust is like an eraser it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake  (Smaller Quotes) Everybody looks in the mirror and is like, I wonder why her eyes are huge and mine are smaller. But I realized that if you're lucky enough to be different from everyone else, don't change  (Smaller Quotes) Humility. It’s understanding that everyone has a place in this world and that yours is constantly getting smaller  (Smaller Quotes) The mind is smaller than the eye  (Smaller Quotes) Some smaller crimes always precede the great crimes  (Smaller Quotes) Lofty posts make great men greater still, and small men much smaller  (Smaller Quotes) One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself  (Smaller Quotes) The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly  (Smaller Quotes) The real world is much smaller than the imaginary  (Smaller Quotes) Negative thoughts are not protecting you. They are making you smaller  (Smaller Quotes) Ideas don’t get smaller when they’re shared, they get bigger  (Smaller Quotes) Consider getting smaller in order to get bigger  (Smaller Quotes) The longer we were in it, the smaller it seemed to get  (Smaller Quotes) Maybe because she’s smaller than me she might look taller  (Smaller Quotes) As long as we can make them smaller, we can make them faster  (Smaller Quotes) The smaller the company, the larger the conversation  (Smaller Quotes) The smaller the function, the greater the management  (Smaller Quotes) If they are too big to fail, make them smaller  (Smaller Quotes) Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?  (Smaller Quotes) How much larger your life would be if you were smaller in it  (Smaller Quotes) The only thing privacy laws accomplish is making the bugs smaller  (Smaller Quotes) The higher the voice the smaller the intellect  (Smaller Quotes) Smallness in a great man seems smaller by it's disproportion with all the rest  (Smaller Quotes) The smaller your reality, the more convinced you are that you know everything  (Smaller Quotes) The smaller the mind the greater the conceit  (Smaller Quotes) Everything smaller than heaven bores us because only heaven is bigger than our hearts  (Smaller Quotes) No society could advance if everyone was smaller than his place  (Smaller Quotes) I would like to do maybe a smaller romantic comedy  (Smaller Quotes) Some of the best roles are for women in these independent, smaller movies  (Smaller Quotes) I headline concert halls for 20,000 people, but I still play smaller venues  (Smaller Quotes)
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